This edition of 'Crappy News' goes out to those moms and dads that should NEVER be allowed to procreate ever again. These are my Parents of the Year for 2017!


  • An Ohio woman was arrested after her toddler was found with cocaine in her system.
  • A woman decided to drive home while her nine-year-old son was strapped inside an inflatable plastic pool on top of her van. She told police that HER father let her do stuff like that when she was a kid, so she thought her son would be safe.
  • A mom in Texas was finally arrested after sending her son to the hospital unnecessarily 323 times over the past seven years.
  • A man was arrested for selling heroin in the maternity ward of the hospital while visiting his newborn child.

And now, for the winners...

Johnston, IA- A mom ditched her kids so she could fly to Germany for Oktoberfest.

Police received a call that children were left at home unsupervised. Officers found four kids--ranging in age from 6 to 12--alone inside the house. The Department of Human Services took custody of the children and 30-year-old Erin Macke was arrested and charged with four counts of child endangerment when she returned to the U.S.

Tiffin, IA- A dad was charged with OWI and child endangerment after driving drunk while his three-year-old was inside the vehicle.

36-year-old Craig Vorba was pulled over on I-380 back in September after cops noticed his car driving erratically. A breathalyzer test showed Vorba's blood alcohol content at .328, more than FOUR TIMES the state's legal limit.

LaGrande, WA- This couple is as good at parenting as they are at multitasking.

The lovers were both fully nude--having sex in the FRONT SEAT--when the driver missed a curve, spun off the highway and collided with a tree. Both of them were still naked when cops arrived and found the couple's three-month-old baby in the back seat.

West Jordan, UT- Parents lost track of their kid while visiting a corn maze in October...and didn't realize it until the next day.

A guest found the three-year-old boy in the maze and brought him to staff members. The boy's mom returned to the maze a day later--with about 10 other children--to bring him back home.

Springfield, OR- A woman was cited for pulling three children in a wagon behind her car during rush hour traffic.

27-year-old Alana Donahue pulled her 2-year-old daughter, 4-year-old son and 8-year-old nephew in a small, plastic red wagon going around a busy roundabout multiple times. Donahue told officers that it was no big deal--she was just "showing the kids a good time" and only driving about five miles per hour.

Norway, WI- A couple was arrested after trying to bone the babysitter.

A woman claimed that her teenage daughters were babysitting for friends. The girls told their mother that Justin & Crystal Robinson arrived home intoxicated and under the influence of marijuana. The couple allegedly offered the girls drugs and asked one of them to participate in a threesome.

Happy New Year! Here's to more hilarious parenting fails in 2018! Get caught up on all of my "Crappy News" here!

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