If you have the name Michael Myers or Norman Bates, you're not alone.

Recently the White Pages ran through their database and found that there are a lot of people with the same name as horror movie characters.

Here's what they found:

  • Michael Myers (Halloween): over 4,280 in the U.S.- 66 in Iowa 
  • Stephen King (Author): over 2,060 in the U.S. - 7 in Iowa
  • Norman Bates (Psycho): over 95 in the U.S. - 6 are in Iowa
  • Annie Wilkes (Misery): around 25 in the U.S. - 3 in Iowa
  • Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street): around 5 in the U.S. - 1 in Iowa and he lives in WATERLOO!!!!!!!

(Source: White Pages)

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