The gradual exposure of Hollywood’s internal moral rot continues on down the line today with a new report on the bull that stuntwomen must regularly tolerate while on the job. First, actresses spoke out about disparities in pay from their male co-stars. Then, female directors, writers, producers, and cinematographers took a stand to draw attention to grossly disproportionate hiring rates compared to men. And now, the revelations of troubling truth have gone deeper into the ranks of the crew, as stuntwoman Julie Johnson conducted an informal survey (with a sample size of 43 participants, her work may not be ironclad, but the data still makes a for decisive conclusion) among the ranks of her colleagues and found disappointing yet not at all unsurprising results.

According to Deadline, nearly two-thirds of respondents to the survey (available in full here) indicated that they had sexually harassed or otherwise bullied while in a work environment, and to make matters worse, that the perpetrator of the mistreatment was usually the production’s male stunt coordinator. Other unsavory practices exposed in the survey include the practice of “paint downs,” in which a white stunt-actor will apply makeup to double for an actor of color, a form of blackface barely present in the final cut that 35% of respondents claim to have witnessed. 40% of women reported instances of men donning wigs and women’s apparel to double for actresses, as well.

The voice of a stuntwoman is not one often heard in Hollywood, but the result suggests that they’ve got a lot of urgent things to say. The most dangerous job in Hollywood has injured 75% of respondents, though you may argue that that’s par for the course when your work entails so many hazards. Less excusable: that 25% reported feeling sometimes uncomfortable or unsafe while on the job, that two stuntwomen confessed to having been “intentionally injured” by fellow stuntmen, and one came forward as a survivor of attempted rape while at work.

This may be dispiriting to hear, but talking about it and getting this information into the public eye is the first step to righting it. So long as Johnson and women like her continue to make their voices heard and shed light on invisible injustices, Hollywood will continue on its path to do and be better.

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