The folks at UPI asked 500 people who graduated from four-year colleges and have at least $30,000 of debt some interesting hypotheticals recently.

Would you do the following in exchange for having your entire student loan debt wiped out?

Would you give up social media for the rest of your life? 58% of people responded with a yes.
Would you take a punch from former pro boxer Mike Tyson? 57% of people said they would.
Would you abstain from alcohol and/or drugs for the rest of your life? 56% of people would do that.
Would you take one year off their life expectancy? 40% replied yes.
Would you cut off a pinky finger? 6% said yes!
Would you contract a random STD that you had for the rest of your life? 4% would do this.

Jeez, some people really must have a lot of student loan debt!

See the whole survey here.

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